Purchasing a fish tank can be an exciting time! You’re finally going to have a handful of beloved fishies swimming around in your presence for the foreseeable future. This being said, many people find that selecting a fish tank isn’t a straightforward process as there are so many factors that need to be considered and weighed. The following will explore a few tips and tricks you might want to employ if you’re in the market for a fish tank.

Measure Your Space

First and foremost, figure out where you want to keep your fish tank. Yes, part of this consideration is aesthetic, but much of it is practical. You don’t want your tank to be kept near the heater, nor do you want it directly in front of a window. The sunlight will increase water temperature and encourage algae growth, making maintenance much harder on you. You also don’t want the tank in a room that gets too cold or somewhere where a giant glass tank is at risk, like where the kids tend to play indoor hockey. Once you’ve figured out where you’ll keep the fish tank, measure out your space. You’re trying to figure out what the biggest tank you can fit in your chosen location is, as this will let you know your upper limit in terms of size.

Choose Your Size

Once you know where you’re keeping your tank and what the biggest size you can house is, it’s time to decide which size of tank is right for you. Be sure to read up on the particular fish species you’re interested in getting, but in almost every case, you’re looking for the biggest tank you can afford and fit within your space. Fish are far more likely to thrive if they have lots of space to move around in. Like all other animals on the planet, including humans, movement is important for fish to maintain their health. Likewise, constriction produces unhappiness. Don’t let outdated ideas of fish consciousness fool you; the latest studies show that fish are far more intelligent than previously thought. Just like you wouldn’t cram a human or a mammal into a small space, you shouldn’t cram a fish into a small space.

Type Of Water And Light

Some fish live in freshwater; others live in saltwater. Whichever type of fish you’re looking to purchase will require one type. Take note of whether you need a fresh water tank or a saltwater one, and be sure to eliminate all the potential tank options that don’t align with your chosen water type.

Beyond this, different fish species need different light levels depending on how deep in the water they typically live. So eliminate fish tanks that don’t offer the right amount of light for your chosen kinds of fish.

Check Out The Reviews

Once you know the size of tank you’re looking for, it’s time to start looking at reviews. Ideally, you want to find a series of comparison reviews conducted by people who not only have fish but have a developed understanding of fish needs and preferences. If, for instance, you’re looking for a five-gallon tank, you’re going to want to read a review catalog that makes comparisons, noting the pros and cons for any 5-gallon tanks. This can help you narrow down your choices pretty quickly. Often comparison reviews also contain a variety of budgets so that all shoppers can find what they need within their price range.

Your Available Time

Once you have a shortened list of potential tanks, it’s time to have a quick read through the manufacturer’s instructions on maintenance. While fish typically do not require as much work as dogs or cats, they’re still living creatures that need care and attention. Bacteria can cause serious health problems for your fish. Figure out what each tank requires in terms of a time commitment from you when it comes to cleaning both the tank and the filter and changing the water. A tank isn’t right for you if you cannot commit to the daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance required. A tank filled with algae and suffering fish isn’t going to be enjoyable for you or the fish. 

The above tips should help you select the right fish tank for you. Of course, different fish species have different requirements, so it’s a good idea to run your selection past a little research on your chosen fish species before making the final purchase. Beyond this, it’s important to regularly check up on your fish and see if they’re enjoying their new home or struggling. If you find your fish is struggling, you need to do more research, speak to professionals, and keep making well-thought-out changes until you notice an improvement in your fish.