How the Pandemic changed fashion trends


Corona Virus really got us all shocked. From staying home, avoiding contact, using only technology as a way of communication, brought us a lot of changes, different habits, different way of living. It was hard to accept them at the beginning, but we become used to it, taking care of our lives and of people around us.  And it affected different areas, even the industries. Fashion industry was one of them, but didn’t suffer any major damage.

Since the beginning of the pandemic fashion trends were put away. The quarantine months didn’t ask for any new clothes to wear, no special occasion, no parties. And dresses created by famous designers were still on their hangers. Even the formal clothes weren’t needed. And that really left a mark in the fashion.

People needed clothes even working from home. Some of us needed to buy clothes besides the pandemic. Luckily the shopping never stopped. And that made some changes in the fashion industry.

  • Protective wear

It is really risky not to follow the rules and become exposed to get infected or to transfer the virus, so we were told to wear protective wear, masks. The quarantine finished, but masks are still obligatory in frequent places. And that left some space, some new area for the designers to be creative.

  • Basics

The most worn clothes at all time are basics, their name explains everything. But this situation really increased the sales of basic clothes, and led to new trends. Even pajamas got their role as work outfit at home.

  • Comfy shoes

Crocs, sneakers and run shoes have their glory now, which made high heels, formal men shoes and other formal shoes leave the table. We totally forgot them. And we must admit, our feet are very happy, until the next parties.

  • Sportswear

Who says sportswear are not comfortable, never worn any. You can wear them anywhere now. If you work out, I guess you invested money ‘till now, and if you plan, you definitely will, since no one can predict when Mr. Covid will say ‘goodbye’ and leave. The new coming trends are all about comfy and sports clothes taking the lead. And continue to be worn on the streets.

  • No makeup

If you are a woman and had put a lot of makeup when everything before was normal, you probably saved some money not buying all those expensive lipsticks, eye shadows, or foundations. Imagine applying  a lipstick on your mouth and a protective mask right away. It is a waste of money. But don’t forget the cause of the mascara. You can still have glamorous looking eyes, be protected, and looking pretty at the same time.

Not everyone like these new trends appearing this year, but at least we are protected and healthy. So stay safe, wear a mask and follow the new coming trends.